User manuals and developers
The developers and user documentation is now bundled as
an RPM, ready for download; The API documentation is on JavaDoc format
and the Use cases are in ArgoUML
If you don't like the RPM format, then
the only way for you to get the documentation is to download the
sources (if you want to contribute with other package formats, like
Debian then please contact me).
Project milestones
can check the project milestones online, thanks to MrProject:
CVS repository.
You can view the CVS repository
contents online:
You can also can take a copy of the
repository using CVS:
cvs login
cvs -z3 co
How to contribute
I'm always looking for contributors. If
you think you can help with this project, then send me an email
to josevnz
at users dot sourceforge dot net.