Crontab setup

You should setup a crontab job in order to update automatically the CVEBrowser databases. Note than the CAN files are updated more often than the CVE files, so your crontab configuration should reflect that.

File /etc/cron.d/

# CVEbrowser crontab file to download CAN data files. Do it every 15 days (approx two weeks).

59 23 1-31/15 * * /opt/cvebrowser/bin/ -u -c /opt/cvebrowser/tmp/full-can.csv.gz -x /opt/cvebrowser/tmp/CANXMLOutputfile.xml -p /opt/cvebrowser/

File /etc/cron.d/

# CVEbrowser crontab file to download CVE data files. Download the file twice a month.

59 23 1,30 * * /opt/cvebrowser/bin/ -u -c /opt/cvebrowser/tmp/full-cve.csv.gz -x /opt/cvebrowser/tmp/CVEXMLOutputfile.xml -p /opt/cvebrowser/ is a script that performs the dictionary download, converts the CSV file to XML and imports it to the database:

/opt/cvebrowser/bin/ {-u Mitre URL} {-c CAN / CVE output CSV file} {-x CAN / CVE CVEBrowser output XML file} {-p Configuration file}


To learn more about how to configure your cron jobs check the man pages (man 5 crontab)